کتاب “آشنایی با حفاظت از اشعه و مواد رادیواکتیو”
Introduction to Radiation Protection
This book provides an overview of radiation physics and radiation protection regulations. It is essentially meant for students and professionals concerned with problems of radiation aspects. We have tried to keep the information correct and up-to-date. However, any reliance on such information is strictly at your own risk. This refers to the availability of the shown commercial products and also to those places where web sites are given. Web addresses can change quite rapidly, but we have made sure that the sites given in the text are available at the time of printing of this book. The referred web sites are not under our control. We have also tried to get written permissions for all products on radiation detection and radiation instruments and other material which is shown in this book. Not in all cases did the companies providing such instruments or information respond to our request for permission to show their products. If material is being described which is not properly or incompletely referred to, we would be grateful to be informed so that we can consider this for future editions of the book.
مشاهده ادامه این مطلب فقط برای اعضای سایت فراگیر علمی تخصصی محیط زیست فراهم می باشد. خواهشمنداست جهت مشاهده کامل این نوشته، ثبت نام کنید و به حساب کابری خود وارد شوید. ثبت نام در اینجا کاملاً رایگان است.
اینجانب متعهد می گردم از فایل پیوست صرفا جهت استفاده شخصی و آزمایش محتوا بهره برداری نمایم و از به اشتراک گذاری یا فروش آن خودداری خواهم نمود.