کتابکتاب رشته ارزیابی و آمایش

کتاب 12 اصول کاربری زمین در مدیریت محیط زیست شهری

کتاب land Use Considerations in Urban Environmental Management

با این محتوا:

Executive Summary
I. Background
Purpose and Organization of Paper
Urbanization and the Environmental Dimensions of the Urban Land Crisis

II. Environmental Issues in Urban Land Use link Land Degradation
Occupation of Hazard Prone Lands
Loss of Cultural Resources and Open Space
Loss of Prime Agricultural Land

Excessive Urban Sprawl
III. Factors that Perpetuate Land−Use Problems
Inappropriate Regulation
Inadequate Information
Lack of Tenure Security
Inadequate Infrastructure Capacity
Inappropriate Pricing and Taxation
Weak Institutions and Poorly Coordinated Actors in the Land Market
IV. Need for Integrated Land Management Strategy
Land Management Strategies for Balancing Environmental Protection and Urban Development
Building Land Management Capacity
V. Conclusions
Annex A: Land Management Instruments for Meeting
Environmental Objectives
Regulatory Instruments
Economic Instruments
Property Rights link
Land Acquisition Alternatives
Government Provision of Infrastructure
Information and Education
Annex B: Related Urban Management Program Papers

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